5 Powerful exercises that’ll help you get harder erections in 30 days(medical article)

how to get hard erection medical proven

How to get stronger erections for happy sex life

Kegels exercise

Kegels strengthen your penis muscles Your penis muscle allows: ⁃ blood flow to your penis ⁃ Keep pump ⁃ Last longer in bed Do 2 sets x 12 reps daily. This is only good exercise for good erections.

    Butterfly Yoga Pose - How To Do And The Benefits​

    Bow pose exercise

    Bow pose This exercise: ⁃ Stimulates the reproductive system ⁃ Boots blood flow ⁃ Removes tension ⁃ Improves posture ⁃ Last longer

    bridge abduction exercise


    Cardio boosts your blood flow You need good blood flow for a good erection You don’t need to run to do cardio Do this daily cardio for 30 minutes:

    leg over knee glute bridge


    Pilates is an amazing exercise to fight ED Do this 2 sets x 20 seconds daily:

    lying criss cross legs

    Cat cow exercise

    Cat cow helps increase blood flow and strengthens your PC muscles You’ll: ⁃ Gain erection ⁃ Last Longer Do 3 sets x 10 reps daily:

    rocking frog stretch
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